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dc.contributor.authorMusello, Claudia-
dc.contributor.authorÁlvarez, Marco-
dc.contributor.authorFlores, Luis-
dc.description.abstractThe length parameters of Anadara similis were estimated with length-based methods (ELEFAN I y NSLCA) in three communities of REMACAM (El Viento, Santa Rosa and Tambillo). The length class interval that generated the lowest uncertainty was 1.5 mm. In the growth parameters estimation, L∞ was restricted to the confidence interval of 95% of the highest predicted length, and k was restricted to values between 0.10-0.20 year-1. The variability of the estimation was analysed with the jacknife technique. The growth parameters L∞ and k were unified for comparative effects with the phi prime index (Φ ). The results showed that the NSLCA method has a better development in the growth parameters estimations of A. similis, while ELEFAN I estimated superior values in growth. The estimations of Φ from the NSLCA varied between 2.60 and 2.88. No significative differences were found in the growth of A. similis between the three communities, obtaining average values of Φ of 2.81, 2.79 and 2.84 for El Viento, Santa Rosa and Tambillo, respectively. The results show that the species Anadara similis has a slow growth and that the NSLCA method combined with the jacknife technique is an acceptable approximation to estimate growth parameters.en
dc.subjectELEFAN Ien
dc.titleCrecimiento de anadara similis (c.b. adams, 1852) en la reserva ecológica de manglares cayapas-mataje, remacam: una aproximación basada en tallas.en
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FIMCBOR

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