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Título : Proyecto de producción y comercialización de refrito en conserva
Autor : Andrade Arteaga, Carla Alexandra
Parada Pazmiño, Jacqueline Elizabeth
Yulán Fienco, Vanesa Jacqueline
Valdiviezo V., Patricia
Palabras clave : REFRITO
Fecha de publicación : 20-abr-2010
Resumen : In this project we release the production and marketing of a tin of fried onions and tomato, an innovative product in the national market directed mainly to housewives that make the kitchen a habit or lifestyle. With this product housewives could prepare their meals quicker, saving time and space. This product could be added immediately to different dishes, with the purpose of giving it this traditional and healthy taste that characterizes the variety of Ecuadorian dishes. The product will be found in the food industry. Our target market are the present and future generations that face a series of social, economical and technological changes, we are conscious that the world is developing and that time is an important factor in people’s lives. The packaging of the product will be 250 grams and 500 grams of glass, this depends on the results that reveal the investigation. It will also consist of a label with its respective logo. Slogan and recipe.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/10008
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FCSH

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