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Título : Efl Students’ Opinions About The Online And Paper-Based Reading Practice in an English Level a1 (cefr) Course Of a Public University In Ecuador
Autor : Yambay De Armijos, Karen
Cadena Aguilar, Albania Johanna
Herrera Conforme, Alison Liliana
Fecha de publicación : 26-mar-2017
Editorial : Espol
Citación : Cadena Aguilar, Albania Johanna; Herrera Conforme, Alison Liliana (2016). Efl Students’ Opinions About The Online And Paper-Based Reading Practice in an English Level a1 (cefr) Course Of a Public University In Ecuador. Trabajo final para la obtención del título: Master In Teaching English As A Foreign Language. espol. Fcsh, Guayaquil. 112 p.
Descripción : This action-research study tried to understand the students’ opinions about the online and paper-based reading practice in english level a1 (cefr) course of a public university in ecuador. In addition, it was intended to explore their reading skills, which involve their reading fluency. Participants of this study were volunteers from two different a1 classes taught by both researchers. The students were asked to read four texts in their digital and hardcopy version and to write a summary. Moreover, the students were part of an interview, observations and had to fulfill a survey. Main findings show that students who read texts in print perceived that their reading skills were better than those when reading digital material. Despite these findings, students were able to read more words in less time by reading digital material due to the tools that are at hand while using this format. Implications of this findings are discussed.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/xmlui/handle/123456789/38400
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