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Título : Cálculo de las transacciones de energía y potencia en el mercado eléctrico mayorista y su evaluación contable
Autor : Suárez Chimbo, Johanna Alicia
Gallardo Jaén, Ryan Rodrigo
Mera Gencon, Cristóbal
Fecha de publicación : 11-nov-2009
Resumen : This thesis establishes the procedures and calculations for energy’s purchase and sales in the Wholesale Electrical Market (WEM) for thermal power plants, and these based on the information and calculations published by CENACE for verification and monitoring of power production supplied by generators in the market with economic assessment for hourly, daily and monthly, considering the hydrological conditions, operational characteristics and commercial measurement system and penalties. The CENACE makes the daily settlement process for energy and power, which after its publication and review by MEM members, proceed to calculate the total values for spot (daily) market and additional services provided WEM. Those services must be charged or paid for the different members to the electricalkmarket. The CENACE as Manager Business Transactions in the WEM, determines in the end of each month, the economic values that each agent must be charged or paid for their participation in the electrical market.
URI : http://www.dspace.espol.edu.ec/handle/123456789/8084
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Tesis de Grado - FIEC

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