DSpace Repository
DSpace is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication.
Communities in DSpace
Recently Added
Castillo Cusme, Gustavo Gerardo; Vargas Wong, Daniel Alejandro
(ESPOL.FIEC, 2024)
Panchana Ochoa, Maria Fernanda; Puero del Salto, Bruno Azael
(ESPOL.FIEC, 2023)
Moreno Moreira, Doménica Nicole; Vásquez Vera, Mario Orlando
(ESPOL.FCSH, 2024)
Contreras Campuzano, Mayte Renata; Núñez Torres, Karla Pamela
(ESPOL. FCSH, 2024)
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